Welcome! I’m Lisa Pacheco, and I am committed to helping women just like you fearlessly embrace God’s promises!
Lisa Pacheco’s passion is to help women walk with a courageous confidence created through an unshakable faith built on the promises of God.
Lisa is an enthusiastic communicator with more than 18 years of experience imparting the truth of God’s Word to women in individual, small group, and large event settings. As a Bible teacher, she develops and teaches curriculum for small groups in her church. As a platform speaker, she unfolds Scripture with a contagious passion for truth, and challenges her listeners to live out their faith fully in the power of Christ.

There are No Cookie Cutter Moms – Albeit measured and calculated or spontaneous and free…ingredients are essential. Which ones you come equipped with or the ones you have yet to learn…all of it is necessary. And God has placed YOU, unique YOU, to nurture, love and guide the children He has placed in your life. Lisa will help moms of all ages, stages and phases to step into their own mommy shoes with confidence and delight that the Lord has fully equipped them and it may look nothing like other families and it’s okay. Because He is using the gifts and personality He blessed you with!
A Different Kind of Dad – Whether we have an earthly father who accepts and adores us or we have experienced something quite different, women often see God as similar to their earthly relationships. But God is not only the perfect Father, but the One who created in us a longing for a Daddy. Lisa shows how God fits this role perfectly and shares practical ways women can connect and communicate in an intimate relationship with their Heavenly Dad.
Breaking Ground in Your Marriage – Wives often wonder if it’s God’s will for them to remain in a marriage that at times, feels defeating. Lisa focuses on God’s reaffirming Promises to help wives gain the strength they need to step into the battle for their marriage and not give up. Using personal examples and biblical insights she offers practical helps and assures wives their marriage was not a mistake and God is working on the behalf to protect their union.
The Sisterhood: Our Companions and our Champions! – There is something truly extraordinary about the friendships of women. Friends truly are a blessing and add richness to our daily lives. Using the examples of three unique personalities found in the book of Ruth, Lisa correlates the examples set to that of TRUSTING a sovereign God, OBEYING Him, ACCEPTING His will , and KNOWING that there is a purpose in every circumstance that is allowed and that it will ultimately bring good God provides friend-making opportunities in every season of life. And He has a special friend just for you! She is probably closer than you know.
Sisters…by heart! – (Titus 2 model) It is encouraging to see that young women have a great desire for wise and seasoned mentors in their lives and in turn the older women desire to give of themselves and make an impact on the younger generation. As women, our desire to influence the world around us is a direct reflection of our calendars. We naturally want to reach out to others around us relationally. Our desire to impact another person’s life eternally must begin with our first love, Jesus Christ. To BE a woman or to SEEK OUT a woman who knows the Lord, is proud of her Christian heritage and confident that what God has shown her throughout her years of marriage, raising children, being a volunteer, managing a business or career, that through the challenges and the victories was meant to be shared; there is wisdom and encouragement that others need to hear.
Kindling the Fire of Faith Over Fear – Lisa helps women to develop a holy confidence and ability to walk boldly with Christ by sharing ways of evaluating the temperature of their walk with God and to implement creative ways of worship while kindling a new passion for the Word of God. In order to bolster our faith, we must broaden our knowledge, understanding and application of God’s Word in our lives. Each of us is believing Him for something great in our lives. Let’s unleash our faith to trust Him in the fire!
Fearlessly Fashioned – We live in a culture where the emphasis on self-worth is found in the outer appearance. The lie that physical beauty is to be esteemed above beauty of heart leaves us feeling inadequate. Lisa takes women from a place of how they feel about themselves (mistaken identity) to looking in the mirror of what God’s Word says about them. Each one of us are given unique personality traits by our Creator. We were meant to reflect His love and be a blessing to others.
Don’t see a topic that fits? No problem. Lisa loves developing talks tailored made just for your event.
"God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns."

Whispers in the Garden
Adam and Eve had it good, so good I don’t know that they realized it was a true paradise. It wasn’t until the enemy whispered

Dysfunction Behind the Door
I hold a strong conviction for the sanctity of marriage and family. Choosing to press into the truths of Scripture for my help. I have

God’s Important Assignment
“You have found favor with God.” Luke 1:30 Being visited by an angelic being wasn’t your every day occurrence. The young Mary must have marveled

Choosing to Risk Loving Again…
Have you been deeply hurt by a close friend, your spouse, or even a family member? Perhaps this one time offense or repeated offenses have
“Lisa is a passionate women’s leader in ministry. I have enjoyed partnering with her in conferences, retreats and Bible studies. She is a gifted teacher, communicator, and sensitive to the needs of hurting women. Lisa’s testimony of victory in her marriage is one that many women who are married to unbelieving spouses need to hear!”
Margy Hill, Speaker, Founder of Women’s Ministry Connection
“Lisa is a gifted communicator with a deep love for the Word of God and a passion to see His Word transform the lives of women. She is a living testimony of how God’s grace is sufficient to rescue the lost and bind the wounds of the brokenhearted. Her message and ministry have powerfully touched my life and inspired me to pursue a personal relationship with God.”
Jan Arant, Author and Teacher, Open Hearts Ministry
“Lisa has a heart for reaching women with God’s truth. Her engaging style and love is evident in her writing and teaching. Lisa is wonderfully welcoming and filled with joy. Her passion for Christ is powerfully evident in all aspects of her life. I count it a rich blessing to call her my friend.”
Lynn Donovan, Speaker and Author of Winning Him Without Words
“I consider my relationship with Lisa a true blessing. Her undeniable love for the Lord is simply contagious! Her laughter penetrates a room and her prayers saturate your heart. I am so grateful for all of the wisdom she has shared.”
Ashley Schrick, Conference Attendee
I’d love to hear from you! Please use the contact form below to send me a message, or feel free to email me directly at: LisaRenePacheco@gmail.com.
“Lisa’s passion and love for the Lord and God’s girls bubbles out from her; her laugh is unmistakable and you become an instant friend. She encourages, draws you out, and calls you to “follow Jesus” in a way that you hunger for more; my walk with Christ is richer and deeper because of what she has poured into me. I am so blessed to call her my sister in Christ and am grateful to the Lord for bringing her into my life.”
Elaine Bilisoly, CCO Women’s Ministry Leader